كيف تخطط لحياتك: حقق أهدافك وتوازن في حياتك

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سوف تتعلم في هذه الدورة كيفية التخطيط الشخصي لحياتك، اعتمادًا على أحدث المناهج في التخطيط الشخصي، ووصولًا إلى إحداث التوازن المطلوب في حياتك، عبر مجموعة متعددة من التمارين والمهارات والجداول، المعنية لك على تشكيل خطتك الشخصية في الحياة.


لمن هذه الدورة:

  • لمن أراد أن يكون رمزًا ومرجعًا في الحياة

  • لمن أراد التميز الفعال والنجاح القوي

  • لمن أراد الحياة المتوازنة والمستقرة

  • لمن أراد التحكم في يومه وعامه وحياته

  • للمهتمين بتطوير ذواتهم ومهاراتهم باستمرار

المحاور العامة الدورة:

  • فهم الذات الفهم العميق لبناء تخطيط سليم

  • معرفة أنواع القدرات وبناء التخطيط عليها

  • التخطيط حسب أحدث التوجهات الجديدة

  • اكتشاف رسالتك ودورك في الحياة

  • كتابة الأهداف الكتابة العلمية الصحيحة

  • التخطيط لمجالك الرئيسي في الحياة

  • التخطيط لتحقيق التوازن في الحياة

  • تخطيط الجداول الزمنية المختلفة

  • معرفة أساليب التقييم والمراجعة للخطة

أكثر من 35 تمرينًا عمليًا + جداول ونماذج جاهزة للتعبئة

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لغة الدورة: عربي

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  2. الكتيب العملي للتخطيط

  3. كتاب الدورة: “المخطط البارع”

  4. عرض الشرائح

  5. التسجيل الكامل للدورة 

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    Up until July 2017, bitcoin users maintained a common set of rules for the cryptocurrency. On 1 August 2017 bitcoin split into two derivative digital currencies, the bitcoin (BTC) chain with 1 MB blocksize limit and the Bitcoin Cash (BCH) chain with 8 MB blocksize limit. The split has been called the Bitcoin Cash hard fork. Only 48 new companies focused on bitcoin have registered in El Salvador since the cryptocurrency’s introduction, according to the country’s central bank; that represents less than 2 percent of all businesses that opened in 2019. Almost all are start-ups that hire few locals and bring little investment, said Leonor Selva, the executive director of El Salvador’s National Association for Private Enterprise. “My mother is in Mexico and I recharge her number every month. I can rely on Ding to make sure the credit is received, so she doesn’t need to go the store to refill her balance.”
    Williamson said when he attempted to move the cryptocurrency to another wallet, but it wasn’t showing the same price. That’s when contacted Coinbase which replied with a short answer acknowledging they were looking into the issue. He said he also tried to contact Rocket Bunny but never heard anything back. For more details on the listing tiers, please refer to Listings Review Criteria Section B – (3) Rocket Bunny is a new DeFi project with interesting tokenomics. Some of the leading aspects of the network are price shock shielding, liquidity bonuses, deflationary supply, magnifying yield, and reflexive liquidity additions. Hence, this article will primarily focus on getting you acquainted with the steps and exchanges to buy Rocket Bunny. The first is buying at the market price. This is the current price Rocket Bunny is trading at. There is nothing wrong with purchasing at this price, but if you think the price will drop or wanted to get it at a lower price, then look at the limit price.

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    Non le è mai più venuta voglia di farsi un pokerino? Il divertimento di giocare a poker di persona è giudicare le reazioni. Puoi vedere le espressioni e i “racconti” dei tuoi amici tanto quanto potrebbero cercare di non regalare nulla. Poker in Place ravvicina l’esperienza aggiungendo una videochiamata a una partita di poker. Le recensioni poker online migliori siti sono il risultato delle analisi del nostro team di valutazione, che può vantare grande esperienza in questo settore; grazie al loro lavoro possiamo supportare i nostri lettori nelle considerazioni necessarie prima di scegliere la migliore poker room a disposizione. In particolare ci focalizziamo nell’analisi dei punti che riteniamo necessari per i siti di poker online: La patria del poker moderno sono però gli Stati Uniti d’America, dove è letteralmente esploso nel diciannovesimo secolo. Un’escalation che ha portato all’inevitabile nascita del poker online, agli inizi degli anni Novanta del secolo scorso. La prima poker room a offrire il poker online a soldi veri fu Planet Poker, il 1° gennaio del 1998.
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    For example, check out the poker video of Daniel Negreanu heads-up against Jerry Buss. With the poker players all-in and waiting for the turn, amazingly Negreanu makes a straight flush, winning the hand and in fact the whole poker tournament. See this amazing poker hand for yourself in the Daniel Negreanu Reads Straight Flush poker video. Good list Nathan. For learning how to beat the micro stakes your videos are definitely the best. I just wish you put out more of them! I also subscribe to Doug Polk, Joe Ingram and a few others. Run It Once is the world’s leading poker strategy community. The process for developing the strategy charts is a tedious one. There are 2,598,960 possible five card hands in a 52 card deck. Here is a table showing all the possible video poker hands for a non-wild card video poker game.

  159. Evern

    Now, if you are like me, you saw “YouTube Primetime Channels” and have no idea what the heck that is. Though don’t have YouTube TV, I know what it is – in fact, my brother has it and swears by it. YouTube Primetime Channels, who knows? It’s actually pretty simple and a good move by YouTube. YouTube Primetime Channels are streaming subscription services you can access right on YouTube without having to use a different app or website. Here are a number of great twitch streamers and youtubers that play casino games and I will update the list over time as I find more. The online casino streaming is booming and there’s plenty of entertaining stuff to watch. People online aren’t convinced either and are taking to social media in a similar reaction to Bartlett.
    Ignition Casino does have an unadvertised bonus for those using Bitcoin to make their first deposit. If you visit Ignition Casino from this page, you’ll be able to get up to a $1,500 bonus for casino play in addition to another maximum of $1,500 for the poker room. One of the latest additions to the Ignition Poker promotions is their Rewards Scheme. Earn Ignition Miles for playing cash games, tournaments, and sit and gos and cash those Miles in for bonuses that can be used at the poker table and in the casino. While playing poker, you can earn 15 Ignition Miles per $1 raked in cash games $1 raked in tournament fees. Any site that rewards its players deserves a gold star in my book, as many poker sites are deciding to remove this player-friendly feature.

  160. Evern

    One of the top poker sites in the US market, according to many, is BetOnline Poker. Despite the fact that the poker brand has been present since 1991, their online poker operation didn’t launch until 2011. That hasn’t turned out to be a terrible thing because the brand was able to quickly climb the popularity ladder by capitalizing on the problems with Black Friday at the time. Considering the generosity of its first deposit bonus and promotions, it is a little surprising that BetOnline Poker does not have a loyalty program. The Comp Points that are collected clearing the first deposit bonus can be used to enter selected Sit & Go games and multitable tournaments but, other than that, there is no cash exchange option similar to that found on most online poker sites.
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